I have never had therapy before and feel nervous! Can I do anything to prepare myself?

What happens in the first session?

How many sessions will I need?
It is OK to be nervous. Sometimes I feel nervous too about meeting my new clients! There is a wonderful book called ‘Therapy is…..magic’ by Jo Love that might help you prepare for therapy. It is a lovely book that guides you through the talking therapy process and gives you practical tips on how to go about it.

We will discuss what is bringing you to counselling and how we can work together. It's a chance for us to get to know each other a bit more and decide if we feel comfortable working together.
We will also talk about how we will work together and how I can support you.
If we both agree to continue working together we can arrange our next session.

This will depend on your personal circumstances. Most clients tend to have between 6 and 12 sessions; others with complex and multiple presenting issues tend to opt for long term sessions. The total number of sessions can be discussed at your Initial consultation session. There is no obligation to commit to further ongoing sessions after your Initial consultation session.

How much is a session?
When will I start to see change?
This varies from one person to another. The process of counselling takes time and it also depends on a number of factors such as what the issue/difficulty is, frequency of our sessions and the amount of effort and commitment you put into our sessions.​
I have worked with people where they feel a relief and release after a few sessions and for others it can take longer.
What type of therapy will I be having?
I use Integrative Counselling & Family Systemic Psychotherapy which is a combined approach to psychotherapy bringing together different elements of specific therapies. Therapy techniques are predominantly client-led; they are also tailored to meet individual needs and personal circumstances.